Enforcement proceedings

Our lawyers have acquired vast experience in every aspect of the enforcement proceedings:

  • The enforcement of promissory notes against debtors or guarantors in matters regarding any kind of legal objections filed in such situations, as well as compensations awarded to the guarantor and the validity and legal interpretation of defences against the debts arising from promissory notes;
  • The enforcement upon the inheritance of a deceased debtor in cases generated by the commencement of the succession procedure, both before the submission of the enforcement request and pending the enforcement procedures, with a particular approach in cases with international inheritance problems;
  • The enforcement of mortgages in cases referring to the modification of the statutes of limitation periods within or connected to the insolvency procedures; against the main debtor and in cases of multiple competing mortgages or enforcement acts aiming to render the mortgage useless;
  • Successful garnishments in cases determining conflicts of law between the general applicable rules and special legal provisions which could lead to the failure of the enforcement procedures; 
  • In other aspects of enforcement proceedings which require a deep knowledge of sectoral legislation, such as enforcement against sales of green certificates, company shares and/or harvests.